Wednesday, October 15, 2008






Friends ……… actually means???



My friendship days is starts when I am studied in 4th class because in childhood days I cant remember any thing that which happened to me. I think I 'm a mentally retarded person, and didn't get any high marks in those class and In early days I have a confusion in two alphabets, 'd ' 'b'. Even I cant write my own name in those classes. In first time I fail in mathematics in 9th class. I'm totally frustrated in those days.


On my child hood days I am affected sexual harassment by my cousins I don't know about sex in that time today I'm deeply affected by sex I don't know how to recover from it, but I can't reduce my sexual affection. On that time when I surprisingly discover one thing when the fumaric acid which is in the ant I extracted from there and put in one blue flower it turns red. I really surprised in that, but my friends make fun of me and on days after I keep excavating things like looking to holes or some other else for all this my friends make fun of me and they keep avoiding me for all things. Even to theses days they are not like me they have their own world and keeping me as an alien. On my higher secondary school days to my college days I have very few friends about 9 that's my total treasure after my studies. In my college days I have lots of fun I feel sincere to all my friends but they don't give any respects for that from this I gained about 5 friends which I really likes me and they loves me lot but only for 90%.



Sunday, October 12, 2008


Today i want to talk about hacking and some other things which is too dangerous to follow.
so peoples below 18 is strictly avoid this reading because if they read this topic they want to do this thing....................................

i will tell in details. This is slightly illegal because if any law enforcement see this they will put me in jail.

How to Rip TM Dynamic Flash Templates?

What you need:

Sample dynamic flash template from TM website
Sothink SWF Decompiler
Macromedia Flash

1. browse or search your favorite dynamic flash template in TM website. If you got one... click the "view" link and new window will open with dynamic flash.. loading...

2. If the movie fully loaded, click View -> Source in your browser to bring the source code of the current page and in the source code, search for "IFRAME" and you will see the iframe page. In this example were going to try the 7045 dynamic template. get the URL(ex. then paste it to your browser... easy eh? wait! dont be to excited... erase the .html and change it to swf then press enter then you'll see the flash movie again icon_smile.gif.

3. copy the URL and download that SWF file.. use your favorite download manager.. mine I used flashget icon_smile.gif NOTE: dont close the browser we may need that later on.

4. open your Sothink SWF decompiler... click "Quick Open" then browse where you download your SWF/movie file. Click Export FLA to export your SWF to FLA, in short, save it as FLA icon_smile.gif

5. Open your Macromedia FLash and open the saved FLA file. press Control+Enter or publish the file... then wallah! the output window will come up with "Error opening URL blah blah blah..." dont panic, that error will help you where to get the remaining files.

6. Copy the first error, example: "7045_main.html" then go back to your browser and replace the 7045.swf to 7045_main.html press enter and you'll see a lot of text... nonsense text icon_lol.gif that text are your contents...

NOTE: when you save the remaining files dont forget to save with underscore sign (_) in the front on the file without the TM item number (e.g. 7045) if it is html save it as "_main.html" and same with the image save it as "_works1.jpg" save them where you save the FLA and SWF files. Continue browsing the file inside Flash application so you can track the remaining files... do the same until you finish downloading all the remaining the files.

³ The Phone Losers Of America ³
³ Presents ³
³How To Bill All Of your Fone Calls To Some Poor, Unsuspecting Son Of A Bitch³
³ Written By RedBoxChiliPepper ³
³ Written On July 7, 1993 Last Revision on May 13, 1995 ³
³ For Informational Purposes Only. We're Not Responsible For Your Stupidity. ³

So there I was stranded in Miami with a broken red box in one hand and an
outdated list of calling card numbers in the other hand. Just as I was about
ready to jump to my death in the ocean because I couldn't call my friends, I
got an idea. Third-party bill my calls to random names in the phone book!

Of course, I started out using this method on pay phones which is a pain in
the ass because the operator wants to call up the number you're billing to
and make sure it's okay with them first. So here's your detailed instructions
for simplified third-party billing. Oh, and by the way, in no way am I claiming
to be the elite guy who "discovered" third party. I mean, come on, third party
billing's been around forever and some guy said I shouldn't take credit for
something that's been done forever. I'm just trying to explain how easy it is.
Sheesh, some people! Cactus.

Finding A Number To Use:
First of all, if you're going to be calling from home, it's best to charge
the calls to a different area code than your own. Sure, a local number will
work but when the people get their phone bill and see a local number on it,
they'll most likely call it to find out what it is. When they see a long
distance number they think "Goodness gracious! If I call that number my
phone bill will even be higher." Even if they do call you, you can just play
ignorant and if they're far away they probably won't come looking for you.

Pick a city, any city. The city should be far away in another state. Now dial
local information and ask for the area code to your city. Let's say you
picked Waverly, Iowa. The area code is 319. Now dial 1-319-555-1212 to call
Waverly Directory Assisstance. The charge for this call should only be about
sixty cents.

Now think of a very common last name like Smith, Lawrence, Conner, Mitchell,
Shlappenheimerwinthrop, etc. You get the idea.

OPER: Directory Assisstance, Betty. What city, please?
YOU: Waverly.
OPER: Go ahead.
YOU: I need the number of a last name Conner.
OPER: (type, type, type) Okay I have two Conners listed. A Bob and an
initial H.
YOU: Bob, yeah that's it. Definately Bob. Bob it is. Gimmie Bob. Yeah, Bob.
OPER: The number is 452-0357.

So that's the number you'll bill to. 319-452-0357. Of course if you're
planning to do this extensively you'll need many more numbers to pick from.
That's when you call up the phone company and ask for a phone book to be
delivered to you so you'll have a whole list of numbers to choose from. A
normal book will cost about $7.00 or so. If you know how to do it right, it
won't cost you anything but I won't get into that. The phone book will pay
for itself after about 3 or 4 long distance calls.

Exchange List:
If you don't want to go through all the trouble of doing the above, here's a
list of exchanges you can pick from. I'm including the area code and prefix.
You just make up four numbers after that at random.

618-254-xxxx 409-744-xxxx 213-962-xxxx 505-398-xxxx
318-981-xxxx 314-231-xxxx 513-741-xxxx 503-255-xxxx
803-254-xxxx 319-452-xxxx 618-377-xxxx 512-441-xxxx

Making The Call:
Pretty easy. Dial 0-AREA CODE-NUMBER. You'll hear a cool Bell tone and the
automated voice will ask you to enter your card number. Press "0" to skip
that part. Recently, they came out with automated third number billing so you
don't have to deal with a live operator anymore. Isn't technology great?! The
automated voice will ask you to "say" how you want to bill your call. Just
say, "third number" and it'll ask you to touch tone in the number you want to
charge it to. Dial 319-452-0357 and presto, your call is completed.

If you get a live operator instead say, "I'd like to charge this to my home
telephone in Waverly, Iowa, the Turnip capitol of the world." and follow the
same proceedure.

Some of the more intelligent people (about 2%) put a third-number block on
their line. If this happens the recording will say, "This call cannot be
billed to this number." Solution? Hang up, redial the number and try billing
it to a different number or just transpose a couple of the numbers you just

If you don't have AT&T as your long distance carrier, dial 10288-0-NUMBER.

Calling From A Pay Phone:
As I mentioned before, doing it from a pay phone is a little harder but still
works. The operator will want to call the person you're billing to a verify
with them that it's okay to bill it there.

The trick is to open the phone book at the pay phone and pick a number at
random. Look for an old person's name because they're the most gullible but
anyone will do. Let's say you picked Christian Slater 213-962-7142. Dial your
number as 0-AREA CODE-NUMBER and hit "0" after the tone.

OPER: AT&T, How may I help you?
YOU: I want to charge this to my home phone.
OPER: Will someone be there to accept the charges?
YOU: Who wants to know?
YOU: Okay, then, tough guy.
OPER: What is your name?
YOU: Christian Slater, you may have heard of me.
OPER: (dials 213-962-7142. A lady answers the phone. Probably Slater's wife.)
LADY: Hello?
OPER: Hello, this is AT&T. Christian is making a call from a public phone and
wishes to bill the call to you. Will you accept the charges?
LADY: Oh, yeah, okay. I'll accept.

And the operator thanks you and puts your call through. As long as you don't
get any of the following responses you should be okay:

"Huh? But I'M Christian Slater."
"Calling from a pay phone?? But he's right here with me watching Cheers!?"
"Christian died last week."
"No Hablo Engles??"

A Few Extra Notes:
Sometimes if the no one is home at the number you're trying to bill to, you
can convince the operator that it's really you're number if you know what the
answering machine message is going to say and if you can do an impression of
their voice on the machine. Even a bad impression will sometimes work.

When doing this from home, try not to use the same number more than two or
three times so the owner of the number will be less likely to investigate.

I've experienced third-party billing from both sides. Someone charged forty
dollars worth of calls to my dad's phone and the operators were very
unhelpful and unfriendly. They refused to investigate even though it was
comming from a residential line and it took two months to get the charges
removed. This was back in 1990 but I've been doing this for a few years now
and people don't seem to care too much at a few calls totaling to under ten
bucks. I've actually called the people I used and asked them about it and they
almost always blow it off as a "minor nusience."

AT&T is completely automated from your home and the best to use. U.S.Sprint
is the second best because they're not automated but they also don't call and
verify. M.C.I. sucks because they're losers who verify no matter what so don't
use them. To choose your company, before you dial the number dial 10288 for
AT&T or 10333 for U.S. Sprint.

International calls will be verified no matter what from pay phone or home.
Hope this file benefits everyone who reads it. It'll sure cut your long
distance bill down a lot.

Well, it seems that AT&T are finally waking up to this problem of third party
billing...On my local phone bill I was backbilled for $175 worth of third
party calls. The kicker part is that I called the phone company and complained
that there were all these extra charges on my bill that I know nothing about
and they were more than happy to take the charges off. A few weeks later, I
got a letter from AT&T concerning some more charges...

Dear Customer,
We are sending you this letter to advise you of the long distance
calls we have billed your account. The amount is $53.70, excluding
taxes. These long distance calls have been investigated by our
Message Analysis Center and were determined to be your responsibility.
A list of these calls will appear on a future bill.
If you would like to discuss this matter, please contact our office
toll-free at 1-800-522-2157, ext. 4737. Our ofice hours are Moday
through Friday between the hours of 8 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Eastern
Standard Time.


I've yet to hear anything more about this but I plan to just ignore the extra
charges on the bill and complain to the phone company and hopefully I won't
have to pay. If I do, oh well, it's only fifty bucks.

Another recent happening is that two people I know have been back billed.
Martini from Illinois was charged $75 on her bill. "I don't understand what
this third number means, sir, I only have two lines!" Also, an idiot in Oregon
was back billed because he had the itelligence to bill to the exact same
number every single time. Worse yet, the number was in Canada and it was a
non-working number and the last four digits were 1234. What a cool guy!

Operator Diverting:
A new safe way to get around being back billed is to operator divert before
you get AT&T. It's a pain in the ass and takes a little longer, but it works
if you really need to call from home and don't have any other way.

Dial "0" and ask that operator to dial 1-800-225-5288 for you. (AT&T) Tell the
AT&T operator that you want to place a 3rd party billed call. She'll ask what
number you're calling from and you give her the number of somebody that you
don't like so it'll come back on them and not you. Whatever you do, don't give
her your real phone number.

³ Voice: ³ Data: ³
³ 512-370-4680 PLA Voicemail System ³ 618-797-2339 PLA BBS Illinois Line ³
³ 314-995-1261 Zak's VMB System ³ 512-883-7543 PLA BBS Texas Line ³
³ Phone Losers Of America ³ FTP Site: FTP.FC.NET ³
³ P.O. Box 3642 ³ directory pub\deadkat\phreaking\PLA ³
³ Corpus Christi, TX 78463 ³ (Thanks to Disorder & Deadkat!) ³
³ E-Mail: ³
³ Internet: (To contact RBCP or Colleen Card) ³
³ (To contact Zak a.k.a. el_jefe) ³
³ MajorNet: RedBoxChiliPepper@MMN (Guess) ³

Saturday, October 11, 2008


To all readers My name is prajith. Recently i started this blog. I want to say lots of thing which is related to me and us and you.........

In this blog you can see every thing in me........

i want to talk about friends,lovers,debates, current news, my discoveries, everything in my mind.

i don't have many friends i likes loneliness but now i want lots friends but i didn't get anyone as a true friends. So i take this blog as my friend and i really likes this friend.
And i also help to blogger visitors if you want any help i will do as my pleasure. I really likes to help some one.

Today onwards i'm starting my legends.

Being an Indian i wish to say


Thursday, June 5, 2008

Plastic The "Inevitable evil"
Once in Japan, as the production of plastics progressed, people started having serious health problems. Nobody could trace the origin of the disease called miamata (mercury poisoning) that was causing the death of the local people. Aquatic life also was dying where the industrial wastes were dumped in water. People rose against the industries which they decided was causing hazards' to the ecosystem. Studies revealed that the poisoning was caused by the production of plastics. No control measures existed then.Necessary or not? Plastic has become an unavoidable necessity in our daily life. Nobody can withdraw plastic completely. The consequences of using this non biodegradable material is yet to be revealed. When it is burned it pollutes the air and pollutes both soil and water if just dumped there. Current research Latest research has revealed that plastic is degradable which means, it will undergo decomposition by micro bacterium. How does it occur? Is it possible? These questions are answered by the researchers. Plastic is a polymer which forms by the addition of monomers with a tag just like rubber. When the tag is replaced by a biodegradable tag usually made from tubers then the plastic will become biodegradable.
Other researches show that plastic can be dissolved in sea water. Further researches are being done. By producing different varieties of plastic, the pollution caused by the plastics can be overcome.

The harmful effects caused by the plastics can be decreased by human effort. The only solution to pollution is consideration towards nature. Nobody thinks of nature as their home. Early man lived in nature respecting even the tiniest blade of grass.
They were very careful about using natural resources. Modern man has started paying the price for his selfish use of nature. Now we are forced to take stock of our actions. The government is also taking control measures against the use of plastics use by banning the use of plastics ranging about 10 microns. So the ultimate solution of plastic pollution is the controlled use of plastic.


Think about the biogas plant on your home it's simple and less expensive. Today the hike in petroleum products including LPG bring risks to people and they think about one thing how to replenish with LPG gas in Kitchen. Today the people are wandering for fuel because of scarcity and at the same place biotechnology come into place by creating biofuel and some other types of biofuel which really help people. And we are planning to give awareness about the bioplant to common people who don't know about it. Also we are organizing the bioplant in different houses to create biogas which is used as a fuel for cooking. And we are succeeding that people are very much interested in this and they can now produce gas by their own.

Environment lover

The amazing Phenomena in the World " The BioNatue". It starts at June, 05-2008 at about 1:50 pm. Its dont have any History but the teams in this group are forward thinkers, and they trying to explode the shining of "The Bionatue". It will become a Multinational company. The team are planing some research works based on the energy as a Biofuel which can be used by motors or any other vehicles and the research progress is about 60%.

we are thankful to The Bionatue for giving the source and opportunities for lots of students as well as research scholars and we also taking people which have interesting capability of thinking and also have a will power to change this world to The Bionatue